User Type : Single User Or Two Users Simultaneously
No. of Cylinders : 4 Air Cylinders (6.8l for each) Or 2 Cylinders (9.0l for Each) With G5/8 Interface
Corrosion Resistant : Yes
Rust Free : Yes
The product is a movable, self-contained and open, positive pressure long hose breathing apparatus. It realizes separation of
human and machine,reduces user load, and flexible and convenient for a single user or two users simultaneously. It provides 4
air cylinders (6.8Lfor each) or 2 cylinders (9.0L for each) with G5/8 interface, and the number of cylinders and the interface can be
customized as per user requirements. Besides, two emergent escape breathing apparatus can be configured, and the pressure
inside the breathing system is greater than the ambient air pressure at all times, thus poisonous gas can't get access to the
breathing system, which realizes safety protection.